Minutes - Core Profiles WG 2024-05-29

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Revision as of 08:39, 29 May 2024 by KarlienErauw (talk | contribs)
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  • Bart Decuypere
  • Benny Verhamme
  • Brian Thieren
  • Dominiek Leclerq
  • Elien De Koker
  • Félix De Tavernier
  • Ivan Coppieters
  • Jacques Yakoub
  • Jean-Michel Polfliet
  • Karlien Erauw
  • Lodewijk Sioen
  • Maxime Caucheteur
  • Pablo Christiaens
  • Philippe Baise
  • Steven Van den Berghe
  • Werner De Mulder
Excused/Not present
  • Annabel Dompas
  • Anne Nerenhausen
  • Anthony Maton
  • Benny Verhamme
  • Brecht Van Vooren
  • Cyprien Janssens
  • Didier Temans
  • Erwin Bellon
  • Filoretta Velica
  • Hanne Vuegen
  • Isabelle Pollet
  • José Costa Teixeira
  • Marcelo Romero-Cors
  • Nick Hermans
  • Nico Vannieuwenhuyze
  • Philip Sidgwick
  • Ruben Walraevens
  • Stef Hoofd
  • updates & resolution of issues
  • changes made to resolve isolutions discussed last week are being proposed
  • changes have been made to resolve issue 105
  • codeable concept instead of valueset for gender at birth: same values from FHIR administrative-generic have been added: male, female, other, unknown (both as medical condition so this can be specified as "other")
  • for social gender there is an existing extension (patient_genderIdentity), social gender is present in the logical model
  • these changes will be merged in the main branch
  • issue 37: death has been changed into deceased in BeModelPatient, has already been merged
  • issue 106: added definition for namingsytem insurance number, WG agrees with solution, will be merged
  • issue 107: remove SSIN slice from BeOrganisation, can still be added to organisation though
  • we have fixed the qa issues, url can now be handled by the publisher, WG agrees to merge, issues 103 and 102 are being closed
  • issue 99: there were several questions related to COBRHA and HCO number
  • HCO number: the only systems that are using this number are located in Flanders region. It is part of COBHRA. It is not exclusively Flemish. It is not unique. It needs to have an issuing authority and only in combination with this, it is unique, see here, quote "HCO is de afkorting van Health Care Organization. Dit nummer wordt aan een zorgvoorziening toegekend door de erkennende overheid. Het HCO nummer is een unieke aanduiding voor een zorgvoorziening binnen een erkennende overheid. In de praktijk kunnen er dus zorgvoorzieningen zijn met hetzelfde HCO nummer, maar de combinatie van HCO nummer en erkennende overheid zal altijd gegarandeerd uniek zijn"
  • proposal not to have a namespace for HCO number but to have a namespace for each issuing institution to provide its own url and to put their number next to it, this institution would have the responsibility to keep their url up-to-date
  • see issue 23 : WG agrees to have a namespace for each authentic source for the HCO numbers, linked to the use of the HCO number. As such it can be used as an identifier. Issue can be closed, as well as issue 99.
  • issue 101 on BeExtCodeableReference.fsh : we could use a code or a reference
  • issue 32: the number is only the same for a limited set of HCO codes, HciType is managed by RIZIV
  • if we want to use HciType, it is proposed to not add this to the core/BeOrganisation but to the NIDHI terminology, issue is updated, we are awaiting feedback from issue creator

  • issue 78 on Related person: it needs some more thoughts by all
  • main goal is to express in a FHIR resource the kmehr metadata for the document, or we might need a mapping
  • Felix added an example to this issue and clarified the issues
  • we look into category for be document reference to use this, proposal to create valueset for all CD-Transaction codes that can contain a PDF. To check first if such a valueset already exists in some coding system LOINC, SNOMED-CT, HL7-CDA, ...
  • there is a WG on metadata but their scope is limited, Bart will talk to the WG
  • author: change cardinality of author, other options ? can we use content
  • to be further discussed further next WG meeting
Next agenda meeting agenda points
Next meeting
  • Wednesday 12 June at 9AM