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From Health Level 7 Belgium Wiki
(Created page with "=== Attendees === * Alain Godet * Alexis Van Zeveren * Andries Demont * Bart Cornelissen * Bart Decuypere * Florent Bayle * Frederik Lenaerts * Jarno Schurmans * Jean-Michel...")
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Revision as of 07:00, 31 May 2024


  • Alain Godet
  • Alexis Van Zeveren
  • Andries Demont
  • Bart Cornelissen
  • Bart Decuypere
  • Florent Bayle
  • Frederik Lenaerts
  • Jarno Schurmans
  • Jean-Michel Polfliet
  • Hans De Keersmaecker
  • Inge Sneppe
  • Jacques Rossler
  • Jelle Michiels
  • Jeroen De Wilde
  • Johan Spincemaille
  • José Costa Teixeira
  • Karlien Erauw
  • Kevin Poilvache
  • Kris Bollen
  • Kristof Steurbaut
  • Leen Granacher
  • Lieve Verheyden
  • Loic Carlier
  • Maarten Cobbaert
  • Michael Wegge
  • Nathan Peeters
  • Olivier Préaux
  • Pieter Buntinck
  • Phidias


  • Annabel Dompas
  • Anne Nerenhausen
  • Christophe Goethals
  • Cliff Declerq
  • Fabrice Claes
  • Félix De Tavernier
  • Jens Penny
  • Loris Larazzo
  • Marcelo Romero-Cors
  • Mikael De Bie
  • Michel Lio
  • Nick Sneijers
  • Philippe Lejoly
  • Philippe Quertemont
  • Walter Bollaert
  • Werner Demulder


  • Present functional model and start working on logical model


  • Smals presents the functional model and does a small demo of PSS - AM and PSS-radiology
  • HUBrussels and UZ Leuven have raised fundamental concerns about the additional validation requested by the radiologist, Jacques points this out again; Loic asks if this way of working is being reanalyzed.
  • Maarten clarified that this step was requested by the cabinet of the minister of Health Vandenbroucke
  • this is out of scope of this technical working group
  • Goal is to put a FHIR implementation guide for Belgium together
  • Agenda for next meeting:
  • address open questions
  • start work on the logical model towards the implementation guide

Next meeting Friday 14 June at 9AM