Minutes - Security WG 2021-06-04
From Health Level 7 Belgium Wiki
Revision as of 11:07, 4 June 2021 by KarlienErauw (talk | contribs) (Created page with "===== Attendees ===== * Félix De Tavernier * Hannes De Clercq * Jan Lenie * Jean-Michel Polfliet * José Costa Teixeira * Karlien Erauw * Pablo d'Alcantara * Nick Hermans *...")
- Félix De Tavernier
- Hannes De Clercq
- Jan Lenie
- Jean-Michel Polfliet
- José Costa Teixeira
- Karlien Erauw
- Pablo d'Alcantara
- Nick Hermans
- Robin Bosman
Excused/Not present
- Bart Rondou
- Bruno Casneuf
- Didier Temans
- Erwin Bellon
- Raphaël, RSW
- Continuation of revision of FHIR vaults' cookbook
- Nick is sharing: https://vitalink-fhir-rest-api.int.pub.vascloud.be/fhir-api/r4/metadata?_format=html/xml
- There is a need for clarification on the use of provenance, José and Nick will post it in the fhir chat
- "The relationship between a resource and its provenance is established by a reference from the provenance resource to its target. In this way, provenance may be provided about any resource or version, including past versions. There may be multiple provenance records for a given resource or version of a resource."
* Action items for next meetings
- ask RSW to join the WG as editor of the FHIR vaults' cookbook for some clarifications
- authentication needs to happen at server level ; but what about organisations that host their own FHIR server: how can they set-up an authorisation gateway for their own services
- ask Vitalink to elaborate on their capability statement
- work on a central, standardised capability statement that can be referenced for future use