Minutes - Referral WG 2021-11-16
From Health Level 7 Belgium Wiki
- Dr Alain Derom
- Bart Decuypere
- Benny Verhamme
- Frédéric Istace
- Frederik Lenaerts
- Hans De Keersmaecker
- Jean-Michel Polfiet
- Joost Van Averbeke
- Jos Bellen
- José Costa Teixeira
- Karlien Erauw
- Kristof Jaubin
- Nick Hermans
- Nico Vannieuwenhuyze
- Peter Laridon
- Robert Nicolas (Medispring)
- Thibault Mahieu
- Tom Tollenaere
- Stefan Waegemans
- Toon Schiemsky
Excused/Not present
- Frederik De Kegel
- Mieke Buckinx
- Olivier Lothaire
- Paul Neyens
- Richard Francken
- Theo Schumacher
- Tom Fiers
- Final updates & feedback
- Updates of the pilot phase of the Lab result project
- goal of the pilot: implementation proof documentation for the project
- 5 participants (2 GP softs + EPD soft + 2 LIS) + 2 biologists
- tracking of issues in github
- testcases will be used in the future for the end-to-end solution
- Today we will deal with the issues having status "To Be Validated by WG"
- Issue #18 Every bundle needs a unique identifier - how will be deal with this at national level, do we want to standardise this ?
- combination of system and value has to be unique
- Medina will remove the lab prefix : lab riziv number + unique number for the lab (f.e. riziv request number)
- HL7 Belgium has to work on naming system : HL7 Belgium will set this up in the way "this is the approved url as agreed" - it will be the identifier of the bundle, not the unique ID
- please note: one request cannot have 2 bundles as outcome
- the Bundles have to be unique, any reference identifiers in the bundle do not have to be unique ? They only have to be unique within the same bundle
- Issue #26 "Multilevel titles on protocols"
- a lab protocol has titles and none or multiple subtitles and each level can have results
- need for agreement on way of encoding
- proposal: using "hasMember" as this has been created to have hierarchy
- Issue #38 is almost the same issue "Subtitles and panels"
- nuance of narrative generation
- is there a need for a dummy narrative to a panel ?
- conclusion: if you have a child you have to use "hasMember"
- Narrative: the receiving party needs to be able to rebuild the protocol
- Macsys wants to leave the narrative empty - is this against the HL7 FHIR standard mandatory guidance ? Macsys will create plain text in the narrative
- copy of the protocol could be sent as a blob, not in the narrative
- Issue 34 about coding system to include in the observation
- can we use multiple ones ?
- link to coding system : FHIR allows Loinc, Albert or lab codes
- should we not determine how we have to identify lab coding systems - will Medidoc, Medigest codes be identified ?
- is there a repository page of the used lab coding systems ?
- Action items
- HL7 Belgium to make up naming system for identifier for bundles
Next Meeting: Dec 30 at 4PM