Minutes - Population Health WG 2022-12-20
From Health Level 7 Belgium Wiki
- Hanne Vuegen
- Jean-Michel Polfliet
- José Costa Teixeira
- Karlien Erauw
- Kurt Dhaene
- Patrick Beyltjens
- Veerle Michiels
- Bart Decuypere
- Brecht Van Vooren
- Resolution of issues
- there are plenty of warnings but not worrisome
- José did some technical fixes: removing period & space at the end
- BeLocation was blocking the build, we only have Location
- there are some issues with the terminologies, NRC has to determine the codes
- there is a dependency on the dev profile
- question on screening, how do ca call it ?
- Issue #10: actors & transactions
- Kurt has done some work and has put all the information in the issue itself
- Issue #9: BeObservation
- a codeable concept should be used, then LOINC should be used (LOINC was used for labresults, snomed CT for other than labresults)
- if LOINC will be used, no changes are needed to
- any update from NRC and LOINC responsable persons whether it shoould be LOINC or Snomed CT codes - ( Bart would contact NRC)
- TBC Issue #8: nextInvitation
- appointment doesn't seem to fit
- has change in logical model been made ?
- when can we expect a publication ?
- actors & transactors have to be added to the guidance : when can this be done ?
- if no more remarks, publication can be prepared
Action Items
- resolution of remaining open issues
Date next meeting
- Tuesday 20 Dec at 10AM