Minutes - Referral WG 2023-02-03

From Health Level 7 Belgium Wiki
Revision as of 15:58, 3 February 2023 by KarlienErauw (talk | contribs)


  • Anne Nerenhausen
  • Anthony Maton
  • Bart Decuypere
  • Hans De Keersmaeker
  • Jean-Michel Polfliet
  • Julien Beard
  • Katrien Dickx
  • Karlien Erauw
  • Maarten Cobbaert
  • Marleen Van Eygen
  • Maxime Daive
  • Pablo Christiaens
  • Philippe Baise
  • Robin Merckx
  • Wil Rijnen (partially)


  • Bart Reekmans
  • Ben Goosse
  • Benjamien Schmitt
  • Christophe Behaegel
  • Cyprien Janssens
  • Dorsan de Fabricheckers
  • Geert Vandenhole
  • Jacques Yakoub
  • Jean-Francois Coquelet
  • José Costa Teixeira
  • Katleen Smedts
  • Laurent Lamouline
  • Lionel Cremer
  • Pieter Devolder
  • Richard Francken


  • presentation of workflow & architecture
  • working on use cases

Meeting Minutes

  • UHMEP system = grey rectangular
  • all outside is out of scope of the project
  • 2 main clients: GP softs & nursing softs that will have to interact
  • starts with a referral prescription, ServiceRequest
  • this will create a Bundle/RequestGroup which can have several prescriptions, in a specific order or having dependencies/relationships
  • the nursing soft will look for a prescription to execute
  • will also look for prescriptions related to it, which will be able to retrieve
  • FHIR has standard capabilities to retrieve
  • nursing soft creates a task (DetailExecution) and UHMEP will create a GlobalExecution, another nurse will be able to create another DetailExecution through her/his nursing soft
  • the business rules will indicate how many caregivers can work on a same prescription at the same time
  • nurse will create what she is doing in her own system (Treatment: Procedure, MedicationAdministration)
  • the status of the Prescription will be added when the nurses are done
  • the nursing soft will send info related to invoicing to MyCarenet, this is out of the scope of the project but should be added to this scheme
  • second scenario: how will we handle the administration of medication ?
  • the GP soft will first read the info on the medication line, available through another system (f.e. vitalink having the medication prescriptions, links also to medication dispenses), it will then use a reference/link to the medication line in its system, GP can add additional notes or prescriptions
  • this will have to be discussed internally at INAMI
  • start with administration of medication --> ServiceRequest
  • reference to nonexisting system with medication line
  • 3 ServiceRequests are grouped in a RequestGroup
  • status can be calculated based upon the Requests part of the group
  • there are references to each ServiceRequest
  • there are also related actions that refer to the other ServiceRequest
  • other relationships can be expressed, f.e. after end if prescriptions one after the other
  • nursing starting a task, TaskReferral, in first ServiceRequest of Use Case 2a
  • there is a reference to the ReferralTask & the ServiceRequest so FHIR standard retrieving techniques it will be possible to get the associated data
  • a second nurse can send the info through another Task
  • all resources are available here
  • PLEASE review and send your feedback through creating issues in github

Agenda next meeting

  • feedback on presentation of architecture phase 1
  • continuation of resolution of issues

Next meeting: next week Friday 10 Feb at 9AM