Minutes - Referral WG 2024-09-13

From Health Level 7 Belgium Wiki
Revision as of 07:02, 20 September 2024 by KarlienErauw (talk | contribs)
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  • Alain Godet
  • Alain Rogister (partially)
  • Anne Nerenhausen
  • Anthony Pierre
  • Bart Cornelissen
  • Bart Decuypere
  • Bart Reekmans
  • Benny Tops
  • Charlotte Henderickx
  • Cliff De Clerck
  • Diemer Van Dijck
  • Elliot Ananaba
  • Florent Bayle
  • Hans De Keersmaecker (partially)
  • Jean-Michel Polfliet
  • Jeremie Panzer
  • Jimmy Geerts
  • Johan Spincemaille
  • José Costa Teixeira
  • Julien Beard
  • Karlien Erauw
  • Marianne Philippe
  • Lieve Verheyden
  • Linse Matté
  • Loic Carlier
  • Maarten Cobbaert
  • Maxime Daive
  • Mikael De Bie
  • Olav Trauschke
  • Olivier Le Moine
  • Olivier Préaux
  • Rob
  • Vincent van den Berg
  • Vincent Quirynen
  • Wim Reymen
  • Yurrit Avonds


  • Alexis Van Zeveren
  • Erwin Bellon
  • Pieter Devolder


  • presentation 5 FHIR profiles for digital referrals


  • 5 FHIR profiles for digital referral will be presented for feedback by the HL7 Belgium working group
  • business analysis document is there as well as the logical model that has the mapping between the business templates
  • logical model have the different fields that are the same fields from the business analysis document
  • one landing webpage will be created that will have the link to the most recent business analysis
  • Digital referral project has a limited set of functionality ready, that has been prsented on 24 March and 24 May. There are 5 main profiles with related artefacts:
  • BeReferalServiceRequest
  • BeReferralTask
  • BePerformerTask
  • BeOrganisationTask
  • BeAnnex81
  • objective to move to publication by eHealth platform. The WG members can input any comment or issue here
  • These profiles are on the Early Adopter branch
  • question: the ReferralTasks seems to have the exact same purpose as the ServiceRequest. only manages the reuqest from the precriber to eexecute some tasks, it is not the execution of the tasks. We want to grasp the administrative aspects of the execution and this is managed in the ReferralTask
  • generic template - TM21: is one template for all nursing procedures
  • Annex 81 is linked to legal requirements
  • Artefacts can be found here
  • Next meeting agenda: continue the presentation & discussion

Next meeting: Friday 20 September, 9AM