Minutes - FHIR Validation Group 2024-12-05
Bart Decuypere Anne Nerenhausen Karlien Erauw Jean-Michel Polfliet Marie-Alexandra Lambot Etienne Cantineau Félix De Tavernier Ilse Dossche Philippe Baise David Op de Beeck
1) David Op de Beeck gives a detailed explanation about how to request modifications and additions to the terminology (server).
- https://eur01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fapps.health.belgium.be%2Fterminology-portal%2Fhome%2Fnl&data=05%7C02%7Ckarlien.erauw%40agoria.be%7C05b021a39896473bcbc408dd183cce2d%7Cc25649757ab9414e8497dfa292210147%7C0%7C0%7C638693371619781604%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJFbXB0eU1hcGkiOnRydWUsIlYiOiIwLjAuMDAwMCIsIlAiOiJXaW4zMiIsIkFOIjoiTWFpbCIsIldUIjoyfQ%3D%3D%7C0%7C%7C%7C&sdata=ufHYa9p6ZksXYvC8Vj2VPDB4rExvtnjvCRIXQAdUUiI%3D&reserved=0 : choice between SNOMED CT specific and other requests
- request by mail terminologie@health.fgov.be
There were a number of practical suggestions about the ticketing system. David agrees to create a webinar in which he explains the use of the current systems for starters by the 30th of January.
2) Patient Will -> waiting for the business doc with last legal updates.
3) Vaccination -> new updates will be scheduled for next year.
4) Mappings as requested by Isabelle Pollet should be provided under supervision of medically trained people. RIZIV/INAMI and Marie-Alexandre Lambot will look into this.
5) Referral Prescription: As there are still some differences between the technical profiles and the business document, the publication can only take place in January.
6) BE FHIR-a-THON: retrospective + future organization
- no fixed next date yet... Probably end of May, end of June?
- unclarity about structural financing -> this also impacts the choice of venue
- proposal to organize it every six months
- each session should have a clear focus (marketing) - other topics/test ateliers are recurring
7) HL7 workgroups and projects
- prescription monitoring (NEW) relation with referral prescription?
- medication
- procedure and problem list
- proposal to give the lead to people from the community (e.g. Annabel Dompas for procedure) and to put the focus again on the project leaders. Support will always be present from Karlien Erauw, José Costa Teixeira, Bart Decuypere and Jean-Michel Polfliet.
8) Alivia
- There is no additional input yet for Alivia, we are waiting for the pilots, who will provide extra business needs.
- There are rumours that this would become an interfederal project
- There will be many projects that will want to use the same standard.
- Proposal to start publishing a very general standard, which is a close as possible to the international standard, but contains clear references to the Belgian Core (Clinical) Resources
9) Request for participation on a terminology level for Xtended HER
- Topic: code systems for Alerts
- European projects in general: the hospitals fear not to be able to fulfill EHDS requirements due to cost-cuts.
- Marie Alexandra Lambot introduces the Xia project and its opportunities for standardization education.
- Next meeting
- The meeting of the 18th December is cancelled.