Minutes - PSS AMB FHIR WG 2025-01-17
From Health Level 7 Belgium Wiki
Revision as of 09:02, 17 January 2025 by KarlienErauw (talk | contribs)
- Bart Cornelissen
- Bart Decuypere
- Fabrice Claes
- Hans De Keersmaecker
- Hans Leempoels
- Inge Haesaerts
- Jeroen De Wilde
- Jimmy Geerts
- Johan Spincemaille
- Jonathan Capitano
- José Costa Teixeira
- Karlien Erauw
- Katrien Thorré
- Kris Bollen
- Kristof Gentens
- Kristof Steurbaut
- Loïc Carlier
- Nathan Peeters
- Nick Sneijers
- Nicolas Robert
- Pascal Ostheimer
- Pieter Buntinck (partially)
- Walter Bollaert
- Annabel Dompas
- Anne Nerenhausen
- Alexis Van Zeveren
- Andries Demont
- Bart Mellemans
- Christophe Goethals
- Cliff De Clerck
- Diemer Van Dijck
- Fabrice Limelette
- Frederic Nemery
- Félix De Tavernier
- Jean-Michel Polfliet
- Jens Penny
- Loris Larazzo
- Marcelo Romero-Cors
- Mikael De Bie
- Michel Lio
- Philippe Lejoly
- Philippe Quertemont
- Sven De Grande
- Werner Demulder
- presentation of user conclusion in the PSS/EMD exchange and PSS antimicrobial
- In December the first 2 steps of the EMD/PSS exchange was represented: HCP sends data to PSS AMB & PSS AMB returns recommendations
- Afterwards, a HCP can select one of the proposals, this choice is sent from the EMD to PSS AMB
- in midterm this choice will create the medication prescription
- The document PSS AMB careset has been updated and will be shared by the project team on github asap
- There are different options
- HCP chooses one medication, red or recommended
- for red medication: there will be no medication request sent to EMD
- HCP decides to prescribe nothing
- the medication requests that are being returned are proposals for a dummy patient as PSS AMB does not know the patient
- what is the added value of the response of PSS AMB after the HCP has made his choice
- if HCP chose an AB, he will get more info on the AB
- if HCP has ticked certain boxes of patient parameter, these patient info will be send back to the EMD in a structured way
- Discussion on whether the EMD/HCP can provide more feedback/ update
- do we call it feedback or update, issue will be created on this
- PSS AMB will not be mandatory, only strongly recommended and there will be incentives to use PSS AMB
- there are plenty of other programs and mechanisms to help the prescriber reducing the prescription of antibiotics
- what if a HCP decides to prescribe a non AB medication ? to be further clarified
- Agenda for next meeting:
- address open questions & issues in the PSS/EMD exchange
Next meeting: Friday 24 January at 9AM