Minutes - Patient Monitoring Outcome WG 2025-01-29
From Health Level 7 Belgium Wiki
Revision as of 13:44, 29 January 2025 by KarlienErauw (talk | contribs)
- Alexis Van Zeveren
- Bart Decuypere
- Benny Verhamme
- Brian Thieren
- Dominiek Leclerq
- Elien De Koker
- Filoretta Velica (joined later)
- Hanne Vuegen
- Jean-Michel Polfliet
- José Costa Teixeira
- Karlien Erauw
- Steven Van den Berghe
Excused/Not present
- Anne Nerenhausen
- Didier Temans
- Félix De Tavernier
- Isabelle Pollet
- work on Belgian profiles for patient care resources following the demand on the field/ongoing projets
- agree on way of working
- There is a demand from the field (projects) to work on Belgian profiles on goal, care team, care plan, communication and task
- the scope is limited
- we don't want to deviate a lot from the international profiles
- Goal is to ensure interoperability between different projects in Belgium
- There are 2 projects (that we know of) that are using these FHIR resources: Alivia and Born in Belgium
- Alivia started as Flemish project a couple of years ago and is running as pilots in specific regions
- webapplication and mobile application, the patient decides who from his care team can access Alivia (HCP from RD 68, care instituions, "mantelzorgers")
- see more here: https://www.departementzorg.be/nl/alivia-english
- Born in Belgium
- project was initial raised by RIZIV in the plan of integrated care, it started as Born in Brussels
- detect social issues with pregnant women, follow-up is organised around it
- there is more federal structurisation around the follow-up
- stand alone platform, exchanges & integration is being explored
- from business point of view RIZIV will be in the lead
- The already existing repository patient coordination has been renamed into patient care, according to international guidelines/repository
- work that was out there has been cleaned up
- The business document done for Alivia included also the BIHR experts and is a very generic business document, without specific focus on Alivia
- Steven will be chairing this WG, HL7 Belgium takes care of the meeting minutes and schedule
- Objective is to work on Care Plan, Care Team, Communication, Goal and Task
- some alignment and preparatory work has already been done
- this has resulted in the following draft FHIR profiles, see here: https://build.fhir.org/ig/hl7-be/patient-care/artifacts.html
- Steven presents the proposed/draft logical models & FHIR resources
- Care Plan: there are no semantics in the care plan
- BeAuthor: some changes need to be applied
- Goal: was not defined before
- objective: description of the goal
- there are some elements in the business document
- there are internationally defined limited set of categories
- Task: can be used for generic reasons and is therefore flexible
- some changes need to be applied
- Communication: this needs a review
- the origin comes from the journal note in the early days of FHIR in Belgium
- we have published a BeCommunication in the patient core, see here: https://www.ehealth.fgov.be/standards/fhir/core/StructureDefinition-be-communication.html
- the WG agrees to use it for patient care as it is in patient core
- Naming convention has to be followed which will need
- Changes will be done on the build, Steven will review it afterwards, repository will be cleaned up
- We will communicate out of HL7 Belgium and ask for feedback, outlining that the scope is limited
- eHealth platform to propose a plan on when it will be published as eHealth profile
- The WG and HL7 Belgium calls out to everyone to review the draft work and to input any comments/issues asap here: https://github.com/hl7-be/patient-care
Action items for next meeting
- follow-up on incoming issues/comments/remarks
Next meetings
- Wednesday 12 February at 11AM