Minutes - Medication WG 2020-12-22
From Health Level 7 Belgium Wiki
- Jan Lenie
- José Costa Teixeira
- Nils Devos
- Karlien Erauw
- Annemieke Vergauwe
- Jens Penny
- Mieke Buckinx
Meeting Minutes
- Mapping from FAGG on kmehr and SAMv2 through RIZIV: delayed due to other priorities related to Covid19, no update when it will be delivered
- We don't have to wait for mappings to continue our work on FHIR
- Open question in community on alternating doses
- daynumber: put 2 dosisnumbers with same sequence, boundranges are different, one between day 1 and day 13, other between day 2 and 14, taken every other day
- you can also put: take it every 3 days
- you don't need a stop date, it is the start date that matters, start day on day1, day2 or day3
- remark: in kmehr day 1 is the day itself
- Schemes are written during the meeting, see here
- without start date
- with start date and end date
- with start date and without end date
- Open question on offset only being in minutes: no resolution after checking with HL7 FHIR int'l
- We are looking at
- José shares what is ongoing at IHE int'l level
- within Medication treatment you can have Protocol and Medication lines
- within a Medication treatment line (that should be a FHIR care plan) you have a summary (which is the medication usage, an entry in the list, not a complete summary)
- possibilities to have emergency summary, long term summary, short term summary, ...
- good to continue this discussion in 2021, Jens proposes to give a demo