FPS DataCaps crossprojecttesting
From Health Level 7 Belgium Wiki
Cross-project FHIR Testing
- Facilitator(s):
- Andries Nelissen (FPS Health)
- Alain Van Echelpoel (FPS Health)
- eHealth (platform) FHIR experts:
- Bart Decuypere
- Jean-Michel Polfliet
- Approach:
- We introduce an add-on challenge for the FHIR-a-thon to identify FHIR data exchanges between different EPD systems used in the participating hospitals from another DataCaps project:
- Scope: focus on integrated care with medical history data (hospital discharge letter, patient summary) exchanged in FHIR format (profiles: encounter, problem list, allergy, vaccination, procedure, observation)
- Solution: focus on operational workflow integration with real-time data availability (not necessary for FHIR-a-thon yet)
- Re-use: focus on an ‘open source’ solution ready to be re-used in other hospitals
- Compliance: custom profiles need to align (or define) BE profiles (caresets)
- Additional partners: solution need to be tested with min. 3-5 other hospitals using different EPD software systems
- During the FHIR-a-thon, each DataCaps project (test team) will identify other projects that are (also) working on these profiles and try to re-use the FHIR data in your test case. This will be possible:
- Based on the Project / Resource Matrix that is maintained by eHealth experts
- Making use of the test logging and files available from FHIR testing on the server
- The DataCaps project confirms a compelling test case(s) for FHIR data exchange between these systems as a base for an add-on cross-over project;
- Pre-selected projects will be invited to a complementary cross-over funding with focus on scalability of FHIR interoperability solutions.