Minutes - FHIR Validation Group 2023-03-30
Thursday, 30th March 2023, 10:00 CET
- FHIR R5 Release
- IG Menu structure
- Cleanup of examples
- Anne Nerenhausen
- Filoretta Velica
- Bart Decuypere
- Jean-Michel Polfliet
- Karlien Erauw
- Philippe Baise
- Veerle Michiels
- Hanne Vuegen
- José Costa Teixeira
FHIR R5 Release
FHIR R5 is released since 27 March 2023 Change history: http://hl7.org/fhir/history.html
- Maturity has been increased AND harmonized
- Action Item: Request from the FHIR Infrastructure working group to pursue the elaboration of a list of issues/challenges/dependencies/consequences, so that we can identify the possible impact and issue some guidance.
Menu structure
We agree that the menu structure should be harmonized to facilitate reading and navigation. After harmonization, we should produce guidance and necessary tooling so that all implementation guides (even internal) have an easy way to adopt the common practice. Action item: Collect examples of IG menus, and associated guidance - and HL7 tooling plans for menus. ETA: to be presented at the 27th April Validation meeting. Then we can collect input from authors and WGs, to start building up the consensus on the "standard" menu structure.
Also at this moment, we have guidance that is outside an Implementation Guide. We can make a list of "types" of content, to see what is possible/desirable in an IG AND/OR printable. Related, we would want to have a list of projects and the links to the specifications or documentation of those projects. INAMI is working on this central directory.
Cleanup of examples
We'll define a "peer review" process so that the authors can provide input.
Terminology process
RIZIV-INAMI is setting up a process for requesting terminology changes - create and maintain code systems and value sets. Will demonstrate a first version when possible and then we can integrate into our overall process for stardization.
Process publication
Standardization process is considered approved and can be published. ETA = end April 2023.