Minutes - Medication WG 2024-01-07
From Health Level 7 Belgium Wiki
- Alexis Van Zeveren
- Bart Decuypere
- Bart Rondou
- Hendrik Janssen
- Ilse Dossche
- Jacques Yakoub
- Jens Penny
- José Costa Teixeira
- Karlien Erauw
- Loïc Carlier
- Mike Shoop
- Pablo Christiaens
- Philippe Baise
- Ruben Walraevens
Excused/Not present
- Annabel Dompas
- Annemieke Vergauwe
- Anne Nerenhausen
- Félix De Tavernier
- Hanne Vuegen
- Hans De Keersmaecker
- Jean-Michel Polfliet
- Jan Lenie
- Katrien Thorré
- Marc Buckens
- Marcelo Romero-Cors
- Michel Demey
- Mike Shoop
- Nathan Peeters
- Nick Hermans
- Nils D'hont
- Stephane Bouillon
- Thomas Van Langendonck
- Tom Henkens
- Werner De Mulder
- Walter Bollaert
- Will van Norel
- Medication prescription in FHIR: resolution of issues & feedback on business rules
- Reminder: the business document has been shared with us 3 weeks ago by INAMI/RIZIV, see here
- Where will the terminologies come from for medication: SAMv2 will provide these: VMP, AMPP
- Jens has worked on this, see here https://github.com/hl7-be/medication/discussions/225
- please review and provide your feedback
- We will need code systems and value sets for medication terminologies used in Belgian resources
- the project team will be the owner of this and assign this if applicable
- new issue is being created: https://github.com/hl7-be/medication/issues/230
- we will alsohave to add the medicatio, terminologies to the IG, see issue https://github.com/hl7-be/medication/issues/231
- Resolution of issue 229, https://github.com/hl7-be/medication/issues/229
- the IPS also refers to Medication, issue can be closed
- Discussion on currently on proposed FHIR profile
- see here: link to profile is here
- there are open questions on tasks
- workflows and task are under discussion in the European group, see here and here
- Diagram is showing that work in IHE is R5, although work in HL7 is R4
- logical model of HL7 is linked to the European project Xt-EHR
- Discussing issue 210
- INAMI/RIZIV business document state that Adherence is mandatory with default to "unknown" as we want to follow up if medication is being taken
- this is being questioned, comments are added
- Discussing issue 227
- we will capture in each IG what our meaning is, it is only out there for the published core IG (see here)
- Discussing new issue 232
- notion of temporality exists in kmehr
- to check if this will be added in FHIR
* Action items:
- review logical model to check alignment with the business document & resolve issues
- resolve open isuses and update and review FHIR profile
Next meeting: Tuesday 28 January at 11AM