Minutes - Patient Dossier WG 2025-01-15
From Health Level 7 Belgium Wiki
- Bart Decuypere
- Benny Tops
- Christopher Hex
- Jan Pannecoeck
- Jean-Michel Polfliet
- José Costa Teixeira
- Karlien Erauw
- Nele Averens
- Tim Bogaert
- Tom Massaer
- Alfred Attipoe
- Bruno Neckebroek
- Filip Rommelaere
- Nick Garrard
- Patrick Duflot
- Continue our work on FHIR profiling
- The objective was to push the main branch of https://github.com/RemeCare/patient-monitoring into https://github.com/hl7-be/patient-monitoring
- this has causes some issues that are being looked into
- looking into the issues: https://github.com/hl7-be/patient-monitoring/issues
- create new issue
- identifier is the url of the repository: should not be the case
- We have decided during the last meeting to look into the referral prescription for telemonitoring
- the general template has already been build, see here
- this work will also happen within this WG
- the project had a meeting with the UHMEP project team, there is based on RIZIV numbers & nomenclature and reimbursement
- every prescription starts from a template which is linked to a care path
- project wise authorities have asked to start looking into it
- we look into: https://build.fhir.org/ig/hl7-be/referral/branches/earlyadopter/StructureDefinition-be-referral-servicerequest.html
- this has to be used as guideline/backbone
- in the end a ServiceRequest will be used
- to be decided whether we start working on this during next meeting
Action items
- Look intothe logical model of referral prescription and ServiceRequest
- Move forward with pull requests to be able to approve them
- Provide telemonitoring observations examples
Next meeting
Next WG meeting: Wednesday 29 January 11AM CET