Minutes - FHIR Validation Group 2022-03-17

From Health Level 7 Belgium Wiki

Thursday, 17th March 2022, 10:00 CET


  • Package structure
  • Project Proposals - storage
  • Project Proposals - review
  • eBirth
  • Referral Prescription
  • (VIDIS - Medication Schema)
  • Functional changes template and process


  • Anne Nerenhausen
  • Bart Decuypere
  • Emmanuel de Hemricourt
  • Filoretta Velica
  • Hanne Vuegen
  • Jean-Michel Polfliet
  • Jones Mehssatou
  • José Costa Teixeira
  • Karlien Erauw (partially)
  • Maarten Cobbaert


Package split

We agree that the Patient Dossier package should be split. At this moment we find the first split to be: Vaccination package shall be an independent package. Action: Bart / José / JM to implement the split (in a "draft") and bring back to this group for validation.

Location of Project Proposals

  • Create a google drive with the files for the Project Proposals - Still to be done.

Project Proposals - review


The group looked at the scope of the project and the data exchange needs, as stated byt RIZIV-INAMI. After reviewing the proposal, It was not clear whether there is a demand for a FHIR standard exchange, so the discussion was tabled. There is interest, and RIZIV/INAMI will formulate a next presentation.

Referral Prescription

We reviewed the proposal. The data exchange needs are identified, the work is ongoing, and there were only some minor remarks on the proposal text. Other than that, no comments. The proposal will be reviewed offline and Validation Group members are expected to review it by 24th March, so that any feedback can be processed by the next Validation Meeting on the 31st March.

Meeting adjourned at 12:00

HL7 Belgium Validation Group