Minutes - IHE Belgium Medical Imaging Workgroup WG 2023-02-13
From Health Level 7 Belgium Wiki
- Arnould Geelhand De Merxem
- Erwin Bellon
- Karlien Erauw
- Katleen Smedts
- Nick Hermans
- Pieter Devolder
Excused / Absent
- Decide on action items after last week's meeting
- Do we have to focus on the ones that provide an imaging portal and specifically on the source of medical imaging and/or pacs vendors
- consult the pacs vendors ?
- sectra, agfa, fujifilm, telemis, pacsonweb (dedalus), philips, siemens, GE
- through a questionnaire/survey
- open question for vendors to propose an alternative (clearly presented)
- once the survey's results are received, a follow-up meeting F2F with possibility for pitches for the best alternative options
- start with a POC? Financing is needed as it will require several mandays
- Each user composes a scheme of the flow, Arnould start with its own - as a check for the survey's completeness and accuracy
Action Items
- Start survey in a document, review separately by each key person in advance of 27 Feb meeting
Next meeting
- Next users meeting in order to agree on the survey - Feb 27 at 3.30PM