Minutes - Medication WG 2024-06-18

From Health Level 7 Belgium Wiki
  • Alexis Van Zeveren
  • Annemieke Vergauwe
  • Bart Decuypere
  • Bart Rondou
  • Jacques Yakoub
  • José Costa Teixeira
  • Karlien Erauw
  • Katrien Thorré
  • Loic Carlier
  • Pablo Christiaens
  • Philippe Baise
  • Ruben Walraevens
  • Walter Bollaert
Excused/Not present
  • Anne Nerenhausen
  • Annabel Dompas
  • Benoit Van Houtte
  • Dieter Sauvillers
  • Félix De Tavernier
  • Hanne Vuegen
  • Hans De Keersmaecker
  • Jens Penny
  • Jean-Michel Polfliet
  • Jan Lenie
  • Lodewijk Sioen
  • Nathan Peeters
  • Marcelo Romero-Cors
  • Nick Hermans
  • Nils Devos
  • Stephane Bouillon
  • Thomas Van Langendonck
  • Tom De Backer
  • Tom Henkens
  • Will van Norel
  • Medication prescription in FHIR
  • There have been alignments with the VIDS medication scheme project as well as with the caresets projects, both managed by RIZIV/INAMI
  • Meetings with the business experts have been conducted and are still ongoing. Business rules are being finalised and will be shared with the WG next meeting.
  • Logical model will be finetuned with the HCP/business experts in a meeting next week
  • new issues are opened: 199, 200, 201
  • please provide your feedback through issues

* Action items:

  • review logical model on medication prescription
  • next meeting 9 July will be moved to 2 July and the end July meeting will be cancelled due to holiday season

Next meeting: 2 July at 11AM