Minutes - Patient Monitoring Outcome WG 2023-11-17
From Health Level 7 Belgium Wiki
- Bruno Neckebroek, MoveUP
- Christopher Hex, Fibricheck
- José Costa Teixeira, imec/HL7 Belgium
- Karlien Erauw, Agoria/HL7 Belgium
- Peter Van Vooren, Remecare
- Tim Bogaert, Byteflies
- Bart Decuypere, eHealth platform/HL7 Belgium
- Jean-Michel Polfliet, eHealth platform/HL7 Belgium
- Ward Servaes, MoveUP
- Setting the scene
- FHIR-a-thon 29/30 Jan 2023
- What are the objectives
- How to move forward: next steps
- Setting the scene
- development of FHIR profiles in Belgium is done within HL7 Belgium under NBN sectoral standardisation operator Agoria-ICT following the Belgian FHIR governance, see here and here
- This is linked to the care sets project in Belgium, led by RIZIV
- HL7 Belgium has had informal meetings with all involved parties and there is alignment, this will continue
- Way of working
- meeting minutes are available on the HL7 Belgium wiki, openly available for everyone
- useful information is shared on the WG google drive (only open to WG members)
- comments/questions on the logical model and FHIR profile have to be logged through github, afterwards all issues are being discussed in the WG meetings
- FHIR-a-thon initiative in Belgium
- see official program here
- informal test tracks/test ateliers supported by HL7 Belgium are possible: this is considered to be very useful for this profile. The present vendors are asked to consider their participation to this test atelier on 29 & 30 Jan 2023
- Preparation work has been done on the logical model and FHIR patient monitoring outcome profile
- there is currently an issue with the build, this will be resolved asap
- see an overview as explanation to the logical model here
- logical model is also in detail here
- draft of FHIR profile can be consulted here
- Tim raises the fact that he wants the Belgian profile to be an European one, it is up to him to guard this during the work within this WG
- Work on some examples has already been done, see section 3.0.5 here
- some more examples, from other vendors, are necessary to check off the profile
- Bruno and Peter will provide the info in resp 1, 1.5 week
Action items
- Review of draft profile
- some intermediary meetings will be set-up to work on the examples
Next meeting
Next WG meeting will take place online on Friday 8 December 10AM CET