Minutes - Payment Insurance WG 2023-09-27
From Health Level 7 Belgium Wiki
- Bart Decuypere
- Philippe Baise
- no other attendees due to technical issue that prevented connection
- Baptiste Pierre
- Cédric Fabre
- Flora Fosset
- François Van Hees
- Guillaume Emmanuel
- Nicolas Poussard
- Stijn Goris
- Sophie Pluquet
- review examples and issues on eAgreement
- eAgreement for physio & logo: work has been done on the examples, see Artifacts, Profiles, 5.0.8 Examples
- new issue 72: some mcn rules have to be simplified and some ServiceRquests fields have to be made mandatory
- eAgreement logo: response Bundle-ex27
- result of search: url shows how result can be obtained, has to use custom paramater for preauthref which has to be created and example has to be modified, new issue 75
- eAgreement, serviceRequest profile: quantityQuantity has to be removed in mcn-2, new issue 76
- Afterwards the branches can be merged
- New work items (eAgreement nurses & chapter 4) will only be tackled further on, in 2024
- review merge and issues 75 and 76
Next meeting - 25 October 9AM, afterwards the WG will become dormant for a while