Minutes - Payment Insurance WG 2023-12-06
From Health Level 7 Belgium Wiki
- Bart Decuypere
- Bruno Bossaert
- François Van Hees
- Karlien Erauw
- Philippe Baise
- Baptiste Pierre
- Cédric Fabre
- Filoretta Velica
- Flora Fosset
- Guillaume Emmanuel
- Jean-Michel Polfliet
- Nicolas Poussard
- Stijn Goris
- Sophie Pluquet
- review examples and issues on eAgreement
- Look at the remaining open issues: 86 and 87
- examples have been corrected and there was an update this morning, issues can be closed
- for our meeting in two weeks the goal is to resolve all remaining open issues
- issue 38: we have to decide what we want to add to the list of acronyms
- has not been done in other IGs, we decide not to do it, issue can be closed
- issue 37: supportingInfo
- f.e. info from eID
- it was previously recommended that this extension should be moved to the nihdi-terminology package
- there is only impact on eTarif and eAttest and examples will have to be reworked
- we decide to go ahead with this
- issue 53: logical model for eAgreement
- this has been done, so issue can be closed
- issue 77: link with UHMEP
- all structured info have to be in eAgreement but what if we have the reference to the UHMEP prescription
- info could be retrieved from the UHMEP prescription but this could deteriorate the performance at VI/OA level
- we agree to leave it as it is
- we agree on all issues and to merge, the IG history will be available on https://www.ehealth.fgov.be/standards/fhir/mycarenet/index.html, tab History
Next meeting: This WG will become dormant for a while