Minutes - Referral WG 2024-09-20

From Health Level 7 Belgium Wiki


  • Alain Godet o
  • Alain Rogister
  • Alexis Van Zeveren
  • Anthony Pierre o
  • Bart Cornelissen
  • Bart Decuypere
  • Bart Reekmans
  • Benny Tops
  • Charlotte Henderickx o
  • Cliff De Clerck o
  • Diemer Van Dijck o
  • Elliot Ananaba
  • Florent Bayle
  • Frédéric Delacroix
  • Hans De Keersmaecker (partially)
  • Jean-Michel Polfliet
  • Jeremie Panzer o
  • Jimmy Geerts
  • Jonathan Capitano
  • Julien Beard
  • Karlien Erauw
  • Marianne Philippe
  • Lieve Verheyden
  • Linse Matté
  • Loic Carlier
  • Maarten Cobbaert
  • Maxime Daive
  • Mikael De Bie
  • Olav Trauschke
  • Olivier Le Moine
  • Olivier Préaux
  • Philippe Lejoly
  • Rob
  • Vincent van den Berg
  • Vincent Quirynen
  • Wim Reymen
  • Yurrit Avonds


  • Anne Nerenhausen
  • Erwin Bellon
  • Johan Spincemaille
  • José Costa Teixeira
  • Pieter Devolder


  • feedback on the 5 FHIR profiles for digital referrals presented on 13 Sep


  • 5 FHIR profiles for digital referral were presented for feedback by the HL7 Belgium working group last Friday
  • issue 372: valid comment, WG agrees to change the profile accordingly
  • these 5 FHIR profiles will be passed to the FHIR validation team, this will open the official commenting period, afterwards these profiles will be published around mid October
  • other FHIR profiles for the nursing referral
  • these 5 FHIR profiles will be used in the first release of the

  • Project wise:
  • a new session will be scheduled to explain the whole chain from business requirement to logical model to FHIR profiles
  • a project overview including this will be given on 27 Sep at 11AM
  • Artefacts can be found here
  • Next meeting agenda: TBC - on upcoming FHIR referrals

Next meeting: TBC